Title (PI) | Granting Agency | Role | Start Date | End Date |
Cumulative and Persistent Intermediate Effects of Concussion and Head Impact Exposure in CARE Consortium Military Service Academy Members and NCAA Athletes (CARE 2.0) (McAllister, Broglio, McCrea) | DOD Army Medical Research Acquisition | Co-investigator | 2018/09 | 2022/08 (NCE) |
Service Academy Longitudinal TBI Outcomes Study (SALTOS) (Pasquina) | Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences | Co-investigator | 2019/07 | 2023/03 |
Comprehensive White-Matter, Microstructure-Informed Analytical Methods to Elucidate Neurobiological Mechanisms of Sports-Related Concussion (SRC) (Wu, Harezlak) | NIH | MPI | 2020/04 | 2025/03 |
Peripheral inflammatory biomarkers for acute concussion: An extension of the Concussion Assessment, Research and Education Consortium Study (R21.II.CARE) (Meier) | NIH | Co-investigator | 2020/07 | 2023/06 (NCE) |
Characterizing Potential Chronic Brain Health Effects of Concussion and Repetitive Head Impact Exposure: The CARE-SALTOS Integrated (CSI) Study (McAllister, Broglio, McCrea, Pasquina) | Medical Technology Enterprise Consortium | Co-investigator | 2021/07 | 2026/06 |
Limbic-Executive Network Transitions in Alcohol Use Disorder (Kareken) | NIH/NIAA | Co-investigator | 2021/07 | 2023/06 |
Sexual health and behavior in a U.S. probability sample of adolescents and adults (Herbenick, Fu) | NIH/NICHHD | Co-investigator | 2021/08 | 2025/07 |
Characterizing Potential Chronic Brain Health Effects of Concussion and Repetitive Head Impact Exposure: The CARE-SALTOS Integrated (CSI) Study (CSI-NCAA) (McAllister, Broglio, McCrea, Pasquina) | National Collegiate Athletic Association | Co-investigator | 2021/10 | 2026/09 |
Advancing Artificial Intelligence (AI) Toward Precision Medicine in Traumatic Brain Injury: A Collaboration by DHA, DOE, TRACK-TBI, and the CARE Consortium (McAllister, Broglio, McCrea, Pasquina) | DoD/DoE | Co-investigator | 2021/10 | 2023/09 |
Influence of the College Football Athletes’ Cumulative Head Impact Exposure (HIE) on the mTBI incidence and post-mTBI health outcomes (Harezlak, Stemper) | NIH | Contact PI | 2022/03 | 2026/02 |
Measurement error correction approaches to wearable device-based measures of physical activity and self-reported measures of dietary intake in obesity and type 2 diabetes research (Tekwe) | NIH | Co-investigator | 2022/04 | 2027/03 |
Elucidating Pathophysiological Mechanisms of Alzheimer’s Disease Using White-Matter Microstructure-Informed Subject-Specific Analytical Methods (Wu) | NIH | Co-investigator | 2022/04 | 2023/03 |
Virtual Reality-Augmented Future Orientation in Stimulant Use Disorder Recovery (Oberlin) | NIH/NIDA | Co-investigator | 2022/05 | 2025/04 |
High-intensity and Sensation Seeking Associations with Episodic Simulation Efficacy and Brain Response (Oberlin) | NIH/NIAAA | Co-investigator | 2022/08 | 2024/07 |
Enhancing Prospection with Virtual Reality in Alcohol Use Disorder Recovery (Oberlin) | NIH/NIAAA | Co-investigator | 2022/08 | 2027/08 |
THE NCAA-DOD GRAND ALLIANCE: Concussion Assessment, Research and Education (CARE) Consortium: CARE 2.0 (McAllister, McCrea, Broglio) | NCAA | Co-investigator | 2018/01 | 2022/08 (NCE) |
CARE 2.0: The cumulative and persistent effects of concussion and repetitive head impact exposure: A prospective, longitudinal study of U.S. Military Service Academy members and NCAA student-athletes (McAllister, McCrea, Broglio) | DoD | Co-investigator | 2018/09 | 2022/08 |
Statistical Models for Multi-Modal Brain Imaging Studies of HIV-associated Cognitive Decline (Harezlak) | NIH | PI | 2015/09 | 2021/06 (NCE) |
Chronic Headache Due to Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Adults: Alterations of Brain Function, Central Sensitization and Inflammatory Processes (White) | DoD | Statistician | 2018/09 | 2021/09 |
Brain Reward Responses to Sweet Tastes in Alcoholism Risk (Kareken) | NIH | Biostatistician | 2014/06 | 2020/04 |
NCAA-DOD GRAND ALLIANCE Concussion Assessment, Research and Education (CARE) Consortium (McAllister, McCrea, Broglio) | DoD & NCAA | Core Codirector | 2014/09 | 2018/09 |
Modeling Axonal Density and Inflammation-Associated Cellularity in Alzheimer’s Disease Using hybrid Diffusion Imaging (Wu) | NIH | Co-investigator | 2016/08 | 2018/08 |
Neural Bases of Alcohol-Related Decision-Making (Oberlin) | NIH | Mentor | 2015/07 | 2017/06 |
Predicting Brain Changes in HIV/AIDS (Thompson) | NIH | Site PI | 2012/07 | 2017/07 |
Novel statistical regularization methods for multiple types of brain imaging data used to quantify biomarkers of alcoholism risk (Harezlak) | IUPUI | PI | 2015/01 | 2016/10 |
Recognition of compound activities from the accelerometry data via novel statistical methodology (Harezlak) | IUSM | PI | 2015/05 | 2016/04 |
Understanding RTS,S Malaria Vaccine-Induced Protection through Integrated Analysis of Antibody, B-cell and T-cell Immune Responses (Dobano) | Gates Foundation | Biostatistician | 2012/07 | 2017/06 |
Reward System Responses to Food Aromas: Effects of Obesity and Alcohol Intake (Considine) | NIH | Co-investigator | 2010/07 | 2016/04 |
Dopaminergic Function in Alcoholism (Kareken) | NIH | Biostatistician | 2009/04 | 2014/03 |
Relational and Contextual Phenomenology of STI/HIV Risk (Fortenberry) | NIH | Co-investigator | 2008/07 | 2013/06 |
National NeuroAIDS Tissue Consortium Statistics & Data Coordinating Center (Yiannoutsos) | NIH | Biostatistician | 2008/08 | 2013/04 |
Proton MRS Studies of Cerebral Injury in HIV Infection (Navia) | NIH | Biostatistician | 1997/04 | 2013/04 |
HIV Testing and Women’s Attitudes on HIV Vaccine Trials (Zimet) | NIH | Co-investigator | 2006/04 | 2011/03 |
Health care access for delinquent youth (Aalsma) | HRSA | Biostatistician | 2007/09 | 2010/08 |
Collaborative Studies on the Genetics of Alcoholism (Edenberg) | SUNY | Biostatistician | 2007/09 | 2009/08 |
Adolescents at High Risk for Familiar Bipolar Disorder (Nurnberger) | NIH | Biostatistician | 2005/03 | 2011/02 |
Craving & Etoh Intake in Alcoholics: A Test of 2 Models (Davidson) | NIH | Biostatistician | 2003/09 | 2009/08 |
Postdoctoral fellowship (Coull) | NIH | Postdoc | 2005 | 2007 |
Methods for the Analysis of Longitudinal Data (Laird) | NIH | Ph.D. student | 2003 | 2005 |
Training grant (Coull) | NIH | Ph.D. student | 2001 | 2003 |